Friday, December 3, 2010

The Beginning

So I decided to write this blog to keep me busy. Staying at home with two kiddos can make you go crazy some times. Don't get me wrong, I love staying home and playing Cootie a million times as well as making my fair share of Macaroni and Cheese but I needed something to stimulate my brain. Since I stopped working full time about 4 years ago I have discovered TV. Ok, so I have watched TV before but now, daytime TV. Before I had Ryan, I watched Food Network a lot. I didn't make a lot of the recipes but for some reason just keep tuning in. My favorite by far was Alton Brown. He is very wacky but what I guess attracted me to him was the science behind it. My science loving brain, (yes I know that sounds super nerdy) enjoyed learning about how to cook.
Four years ago, I would really just eat/cook the same things over and over but by watching the Food Network, and mostly Good Eats, I got up the courage to try other things. Onions for example. If a recipe EVER called for onions I would leave it out. That goes for so many other ingredients. Long story short and two kiddos later I realized that I did NOT want a kiddo that just ate macaroni and cheese and peanut butter and jelly. I needed to feed my kids a variety of foods, or at least expose them to it, so as adults they could make good choices about them. I started to love to cook and cook healthy as well. I found some blogs about feeding and making healthy choices for children and I was hooked.
I thought about going to culinary school to "learn" how to cook but Symon shot that down right away. Nothing against you, babe. I know it is unreasonable :) But I really wanted to learn how to cook, not just follow a recipe. That seemed too easy. I want to be able to know the basics and then apply it to whatever I have in the house. I knew the best way for me to go about this was reading Alton Brown's first book, "I'm just here for the food". A fitting title for me because I didn't want to go to culinary school to work in a restaurant, I just want to cook awesome food for my family. And so this blog was created. I decided to work though his book and attempt to make every recipe wether it was scary or not. (Duck Breasts later to come) For nothing else then to document it and maybe entertain myself during nap time instead of watching more food network. (Still watch it a bunch. It's one of the only channels that I can watch that is not cartoons that my kids won't be exposed to crazy stuff) So enjoy.
BTW: If you could think of another good name for this blog that would be great. I may be a science brain but obviously am not creative. :)

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