Saturday, August 31, 2013

Green Beans

Green beans are a staple at our house.  Simply because they are green and my family won't complain when I put them on the table.  Both pluses in my book. They are also cheap and easy to keep in the freezer for quick meals.  You can use them in a salad, plain with dip or as a traditional side dish.  Don't forget Green Bean Casserole.  Ok you can forget that one because it is SOOOOO gross in my book.  I refuse to even have it at Thanksgiving.  I typically serve my green beans as a side dish similar to how this recipe is prepared.  
This dish takes literally minutes so have everything ready before you start your pan. 

Butter into a cold pan.
When "foaming" add the pecan nuts. Then do not move from the stove!  Toss until they darken SLIGHTLY.  They burn so fast. Not good eats as AB would say.
Then removed the nuts and add the beautiful blanched green beans. Ok so I am lazy and did not blanch them.  I stuck them in the microwave for 25 seconds with a little bit of water and plastic wrap on the top just to soften them a little.
After around 2 minutes or when the beans start to brown at the ends I added the garlic and tossed until I could smell the garlic.
After cooked I place everything in a bowl.  Beans, nuts and garlic.  I tossed with 1 tsp of red wine vinegar.  I never have done this step before but it made the beans have an amazing flavor that I loved.  Probably one of the best "beans" I have taste.  Served with mash potatoes and BBQ chicken.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this simple recipe and it made plain green beans take on a whole new flavor.  Play around with different vinegars and nut types.  I will most definitely be keeping this one as a staple in our house.

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