Sunday, August 19, 2012

More Veggies PLEASE!!!

I am a fan of veggies.  I prefer them cooked over raw but for some reason when I go to the kitchen for something to eat.... I don't choose veggies.  Those cookies and chocolate bars always just jump in my mouth.  I was excited to try this recipe because when I do make veggies its either roasted with salt and pepper or boiled/stemmed.  I don't mind that flavor but my kids including Symon feel that they need to add butter, ranch, or mayo to make the veggies taste better.  This recipe takes a side of veggies to a whole other flavor and makes veggies exciting.  This could be done with any left over veggies.  It calls for 2 carrots and 1 medium size zucchini.  

I started by cutting the veggies into matchstick size.  
While heating up a saute pan (or large frying pan if you don't have a fancy one yet like me) I placed oil (canola) in it then added minced garlic and ginger.
After about 1-2 minutes I placed the carrots in.  Make sure you pay attention because garlic burns super easily and it tastes nasty!
After 5-7 minutes and added the zucchini.

After the zucchini was added I placed the lid on the pan because the carrots were still too firm for my liking.  After all the veggies were soft I sprinkled it with salt, pepper, mint, toasted sesame seeds, and a splash of rice wine vinegar and then removed from the heat.
I served it with some chicken sausage. I thought the veggies turned out nice but I little bit on the oily side.   I attribute this to not using a large enough pan.  Because I used a small bottom pan, the veggies were sitting in the oil and not evenly spread out.
I really enjoyed this recipe because it reminded me that veggies can be exciting.  Don't just steam them with salt and pepper.  Get creative and look in your pantry for fun things to spice them up.  Parsley or rosemary could be substituted for mint.  There are also a lot of different kinds of vinegar that could be interchanged.  Play with your veggies to make them fun and hopefully you and your kids can start to enjoy them more.  Who knows, they might even jump into your mouth instead of that cookie! 

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