Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Breakfast for Dinner? Hell Yes!!

Now we all know that everyone LOVES breakfast for dinner. This recipe doesn't have to be for dinner but I wasn't about to try to make this just for my kids. Lets face it. It seems like they are not eating anything these days but fruit snacks and ritz crackers. GRRRR. So I decided to make this "breakfast" for dinner. I started with defrosting some frozen spinach and hash browns. I love the way Alton Brown writes his recipes. This recipe was created when he was in college and therefore he states, "Remove hash browns from freezer to a sink full of water to thaw. Go back to bed. Get up half an hour later and drain potatoes". I love this. Since I was making it for dinner, I removed the hash browns from the freezer, into the sink and took the kids swimming. :) I came back and combined the hash browns, defrosted spinach and two eggs together and added salt. Two important steps were done during this. Don't forget to turn on the oven to broil... AKA 500 degrees, move the shelf to the top and put your trusty cast iron skillet in the oven to heat up. You Have Gotten One like I told you right? :) The second important thing is to dry the hash browns and spinach before you combine. The point???? Do you want soggy hash browns. I sure don't. The way that AB suggests to do this is brilliant. Salad spinner. I didn't use to have a salad spinner and thought why did I need one when I could just dry it off with a paper towel right. WRONG!!! I finally got what I thought would be a uni-tasker and learned that it is not only for salad. It worked awesome for getting my potatoes and spinach dry. I will be using it more often now. Here is the mixture before cast iron skillet.

Next I pulled out my skillet from the oven, placed some oil on the bottom and then placed the spinach and potato mixture on the bottom. Love that sizzle!!! I then took some store bought salsa and place it on top and then back into the oven. For 12-15 minutes. Mine was about 14.

Removed the skillet and place some mozzarella cheese on top and then cracked four eggs on top of this mixture. I was very disappointed because the eggs slid to the side and were not evenly distributed. I was more than disappointed. If you know me and my anal ways you would understand. I couldn't very well grab it and then move it back so into the oven, AKA broiler for about 4-5 minutes or until the egg whites set.
Now I know what you are thinking. This recipe is sounding and looking weird right. We were right there with you. But... it smelled really good. Seriously. I was really excited to eat it which is saying a lot because some of these recipes have not been so good. Like chicken on a stick. I still gross out when I look at that pictures from that post. I was slightly afraid of having under cooked eggs so I left it in without checking it for the full 5 minutes. I pulled them out and it was perfect. The eggs whites were sure set.

Now again, remember that this recipe was created by a college student who had no money, had an oven that only broiled and that the rack could not move from the top shelf. Alton Brown at this time only had one pan, that he stored in the oven.... The famous CAST IRON SKILLET. (Have I mentioned how much I love them) So he suggests passing out forks to all party guest and digging in. Now I KNEW that my kids would not eat it like that so I cut it into slices like a pizza. Here is where I was sad because I could not cut them perfect so each person could get an egg. Not sure how I could have made this work better. But here was Symon's piece.
It was actually really good. Alton brown also suggests serving with a flat left over beer. Both Symon and I thought that this would be a great morning breakfast after a night of drinking. Too bad we are way too old for that. :) Symon's egg yoke was completely hard and he loved it. He added some red pepper flakes and Tabasco to heat it up a tad. My egg was still running in the middle which ended up being super good because it made sort of like a sauce over the top. Overall I loved it. You could totally change it up and add bacon or ham or more veggies. Of course Ryan would not even touch it and Reagan ate a couple bites and was done. I will totally be making it again. What is your favorite hang over breakfast. Not drink but food. :) Let me know. Maybe I will start drinking to try them out. I doubt it. :) Next up... more fish... broil style.

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