Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Portobello mushrooms and searing. Two things that I did not think went together but here we are. This post will be short because it seams really easy, boring and not exciting at all. I got three beautiful portobello mushrooms again at AJ's.

Washed them. Ok so I didn't wash them. Technically, you are not suppose to wash mushrooms because they just suck up the water that you wash it in and then get soggy. I took a wet paper towel and simply washed most of the dirt off the mushroom cap. The recipe calls to NOT take out the gills of the mushroom which was weird to me also because I have usually seen them (again on the food network) take them out. I then sliced them into 1/4 inch slices. I again though this was weird because I thought it would be easier to just sear them whole.

Onto the pan. Heat the cast iron skillet (yeah!!!!) on med/high for 3 minutes and then take a paper towel with oil and grease the pan. I did lightly oil the mushrooms and seasoned with salt and pepper. I placed each piece of mushroom slice on one side and then let it sear (did not move it on the pan) for 5 minutes. I was not sure to place in on its side (which is what I did) or from top to bottom but they only laid on their side because of the curve of the mushroom.

When I flipped them over they were slightly charred which worried me because again I HATE charcoal flavor. I cooked the second side for about 3 minutes and then removed. I had 3 mushrooms so I had to work in batches. The second batch I only seared for 3 minutes on each side.

1st batch had a definite burnt taste to me but Symon ate all of them!!!! I basically ate the 2nd batch. Both kiddos didn't like them. :( This recipe in the book are to be served as a appetizer which seemed weird to us. We ate them with some steak (I am not sure what cut). We thought that it added a more complex taste and texture with the steak.
I know this post if very boring and not very informative but to be honest, this was a boring ingredient (only one basically) and weird to us. We like mushrooms but I guess not in this preparation. Oh well. On to a feathery ingredient. Chicken on a Stick!!!!! (BTW, chicken will be the last searing ingredient and then we will be moving on to grilling technique. YEAH!!!!

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