Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sugar Snap Pea Snack

Sugar Snap Pea Snack

I am now an adult, which means I am suppose to like veggies right?  I tell myself I like veggies and have tried to set a good example for my little ones.  In fact, at the age of 21 I pretty much rarely ate vegetables.   It's not my parents fault.  I mean I lived in the lettuce capital of the world for goodness sake.  I just don't CRAVE vegetables.  Because of that, I have not felt good for the first 1/2 of my life with regards to food.  Once I got married and was in love and such, my belly liked carbs, sugar and cheese....oh so much cheese and my body showed it.  Then I tried to have a baby.  Guess what, when you are overweight it is harder to have a baby.  To make this story short (and at this point I am not sure why I am even sharing this information) it took some $$$$ to make Ryan happen.  Once I got pregnant, I suddenly cared about what my body was made with.  I was staying at home watching food network ALL DAY LONG.  Ok so I watched all the pregnancy shows too but mostly the food network.  This is when my love of food and cooking started.  Alton Brown was my favorite and hence the beginning of this blog.  I started learning how to cook veggies in different ways.  I was pretty much grew up to eating salad and boiled vegetables. Again, not bashing my mom.  It is just the way it was.  I didn't realized that hiding and mixing vegetables in the things I usually eat like rice and pasta made them more palatable.  Ok that was a major tangent but the point is, vegetables gets a bad rap.  Yes, it can be bitter and it is still not the first thing I grab when I am hungry but I am not afraid to try them.  This application to sugar snap peas is a great way to start.  Who doesn't like to dip their food.  This is a basic blanched sugar snap pea with a great dipping sauce.  This is a recipe that people, even my brother who does NOT eat vegetables, to good way to start incorporating them into you diet.  THIS MEANS YOU JASON.  I started with the dressing/dipping sauce. 

The ingredients include sour cream, mayo, lemon juice, lemon zest, tarragon and red pepper flakes. I am pretty sure everyone knows that I hate mayo.  It is sooooo gross. It basically looks like puss or mucous of some sort.  Anyways, in the name of science I put them all in a bowl and whisked the ingredients together.  Again, I like veggies but do not go for them first but this dipping sauce was awesome!!  The fresh lemon zest and lemon juice made it pop in my mouth.  I placed it into the fridge and moved on to the peas.

Hence the name sugar snap peas, these are firm peas that you eat the shell and has a sweet flavor.  Sweet yes, but it is not like eating sugar.  Just so you know.  Don't be fooled by the name.  That does not mean it is not good.  Just FYI. Some people eat these raw including me.  My kiddos will eat them if I force them but this is the first time I blanched them.
 Blanching again is placing the peas in boiling water for 2-4 minutes and then drained and quickly placed into an ice bath.  These peas turned a vibrate green color.  You eat with your eyes before your mouth and I was excited to try this.  I placed them on a paper towel to dry.

The point of letting the peas dry was so that the dipping sauce does not slide off.  Do not forget this step.  I was so excited to try it that I attempted to dip one and the dressing fell right off and onto the floor.
 Once the peas were dry, I added it to the plate with a piece of chicken and red mash potatoes.

I was pleasantly surprised with the taste.  The dip was flavorfully and light despite the mucous, I mean mayo in the dip.  I even ended up putting the dip on the chicken.  Overall it was great.  More so than the dip, I was surprised by how much more I enjoyed the sugar snap peas once blanched.  It took ALL of the bitterness away.  I could have eaten a huge bowl of just that.  I am planning on doing this to all my sugar snap peas from now on.  I am sure my kids will be more likely to eat it in their lunch boxes if I do this.  The snap peas are in season so get yourself some and try this.  You will be pleasantly surprised.