Saturday, June 9, 2012

Fair Food gone Crazy!!!

One of my favoratie foods that you can get at a fair or carnival is a good old corn dog.  I have to admit that Symon and I ate ALOT of corn dogs in college.  We use to get a huge box from Costco and then have 2-3 for dinner.  Yikes!  Things have definitely changed.  I was excited to make "fancy" corn dogs.  The first step was to make the batter station.  (I think I am seeing a pattern here)  The first thing is to combine four, cornmeal, salt, baking soda and powder along with cayenne pepper.  This is the dry ingredients.

The wet dip is a chopped jalapeno, corn, chopped onions buttermilk, and water.

After combining these ingredients I let them sit for 10 minutes.
I decided to bite the bullet and get another "thing" for the kitchen.  I purchased an electric skillet.  I was so excited to use this because this will control the oil to the exact temperature for frying without guessing and because I don't have a candy thermometer, this is a good thing.  I did not go crazy in buying this electric skillet.  It was 12.00 at Fry's.  :)  The fat component for this recipe was vegetable shortening!  Yummy crisco!  4 cups to be exact heated to 350 degrees.
Here is my kitchen ready for frying,  dry then wet then electric skillet then draining tray!  Lets Fry!
I used regular all beef hot dogs.  AB suggests buffalo sausages but I just wanted to start basic.  Into the dry ingredients,
Then into the wet.  I let it drain a little bit off of the dog...
Then into the crisco!  I am loving the sizzle!
Number 2 in!
Flip after 1-2 minutes.  Look at that beautiful golden brown color.  Getting hungry yet?
Note that the stick in the corn dog was not inserted until after cooking.  I think this was a great idea by AB because then the stick doesn't get greasy.  Here is the finished product.  Do you like how I have my work-out cloths on.  I went to work out immediately after which is not recommended.  Holy Heartburn!  The crown was my son's creation and he insistent in me wearing it. It is also optional.
These were really good.  Nice thick breading that surprisingly did not fall off.  Very flavorful especially with the kick of jalapeno in it! I think it was a great idea to also put the baking soda/powder because the breading almost felt fluffy.  Dipped into some good old yellow mustard... what could be better?  My husband really enjoyed this and so did my kids but they mostly just ate the dog.  Crazy kids.  They don't know better yet.  Next up Symon will be doing a guest blog on pork chops.  :)  This girl has to work sometimes.